KinetSync by Kinetics Industries, Inc. - Synchronous Motor Digital Control & Monitoring Systems KinetSync-SR and KinetSync-NB.
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Synchronous Motor Field Excitation Systems PDF

Cranes Metal Manufacturing Metal Magnetic Cranes Water Plant Crane Water Pumps

Rectification & Power Distribution
Magnet Rectifiers

ISO 9000:2015

An electro magnet system and associated material-handling infrastructure, represents a substantial capital investment. Magnet, crane and separation system manufacturers offer a wide range of systems and products designed to maximize productivity and system performance within a given environment or application. At Kinetics, we don’t believe that a material or bulk handling system should be constrained by the limitations of a DC power supply. Our application engineers have spent over 45 years working closely with original equipment manufacturers of magnetic systems and heavy industrial users to developed a product line of DC power supplies specifically designed to maximize and enhance the performance of a magnetic system in a given production application and operating environment.

Kinetics’ wide ranging product line of magnet power supplies, offers customers a selection of product solutions specifically designed for, highly inductive load, magnet applications. At Kinetics, we take pride in remaining flexible to match a design of a power supply to a given application’s requirement.

Kinetics, the one source solution.


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Constant Potential Non-Regulated Rectifiers | Regulated, SCR, Rectifiers 1-2000 Kw | Crane Rectifier | Magnet Rectifiers | Mill Duty DC Substations
Regenerative Absorption Circuit | Test Power Rectifiers | Traction Rectifiers | Traction Test Rectifiers | Low Voltage / Filtered Rectifiers & Power Supplies
Avionics Hanger Support Rectifiers | Eddy Current Clutch Rectifier | Magnetic Brake & Clutch Power Supplies
Circuit Breaker Coil Operation Power Supplies | AC to DC Power Conversion for Elevators, Fire Pumps & Misc. Loads
KinetSync-SR KinetSync-NB