KinetSync by Kinetics Industries, Inc. - Synchronous Motor Digital Control & Monitoring Systems KinetSync-SR and KinetSync-NB.
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Cranes Metal Manufacturing Metal Magnetic Cranes Water Plant Crane Water Pumps

Magnet Rectifiers
Select-a-Pick Regulated Rectifiers

ISO 9000:2015
Kinetics Industries, Inc.

The model type SVRJ is a fuseless - SCR regulated rectifier with the capacity to select a desired voltage to the magnet and ramp to a full voltage for carrying the load and then reduce voltage for a controlled drop of the load. Voltage adjustment can be made by either electronic timers, crane motion or from a remotely supplied signal. The SVRJ includes all the benefits of fuseless magnet rectifier operating system.

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Traditional Fused Power Supplies | JVR Fuseless Rectifiers | Fuseless Flux Forcing Rectifiers | Select-A-Pick Regulated Rectifiers | Separation Magnet Rectifiers